Just Start

Just Start

I’ve wanted to start writing this newsletter for almost a year. I claimed this name on Substack 11 months ago. And I've let it sit.

Today, I’m finally launching.

Why did I wait this long? Why does anyone procrastinate on anything?

Because I didn’t think I was ready.

I’m still not sure I’m ready. But, here I am. And the title, Just Start, seems fitting for my first post.

A background in burnout

In the spring of 2021, I was trying to get my software company successful, working full-time for a political nonprofit organization, and attempting to avoid COVID so that I didn't give it to my loved ones while also thinking I could maintain my relationships and health.

It didn’t work.

I burned out. Epically.

Other people's burnout stories are more severe than mine. People who ended up in the hospital because of their burnout.

My burnout story isn’t like that, but it changed me in ways I’m still coming to understand.

This exploration of burnout led me to learn about toxic productivity, something I now do presentations and workshops on.

It’s also led me here. To today. Starting a newsletter.


Even in preparing this post, I spent more time than necessary. Editing the logo again and again, rewriting it, and trying to make it perfect.

I should know better by now. There is no such thing as perfect.

From a young age, I strived for perfection. I wanted to please my parents. Getting excellent grades defined me. I was a quiet, respectful student. I remain a quiet, respectful person.

I remember my first-grade teacher telling my parents they needed to watch out for me because as a none-attention-seeking student, it would be easy for my future teachers to overlook me and not worry about me.

Many of my future teachers proved her point. Not all. But more than I realized at the time.

This mentality to perform to a high degree and strive for perfection has been detrimental to me over the years. I rarely ask for help. I never rock the boat. I don't stand up for myself or my needs.

It’s taken a toll, and that became very clear in 2021.

A way beyond burnout

Now, almost two years later, I have a healthier outlook on life. On work. On what I can do. And, most importantly, on myself. That I am enough, no matter what.

I’m a work in progress remembering all these new lessons. It takes a while to unlearn what you’ve been taught your whole life.

It’s worth sharing this journey. It's worth you sharing yours. We’re better together. And it never hurts to have someone else remind you that you are enough.

You are enough on a white sign with black background
Photo by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash

Why do less, better?

I call this newsletter ‘Do Less, Better’ because it packs a punch. 

It calls me out for doing too much and not doing any of it well. The phrase is also a call to action. It's a path forward that there is another way to live in this world and thrive. 

I have big plans for this newsletter and no clue how to do them.

And that’s okay.

It’s enough for me today to just start writing. 

The rest will follow.

A final note

My intention for this newsletter is to build a community. I believe that when we talk more with each other and we let ourselves be vulnerable, we all are better off.

I invite you to subscribe and share your story when you feel comfortable doing so. I want to learn from you and with you. 

And always remember, you are enough.